Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Critical Analysis: Feminist and Class/Power Critique of a Dove Commercial

This Dove commercial is very disturbing. It first shows a close up of a little girl. At such a young age in her life, she is shaped by what she sees and thinks. Suddenly, we see all of the thoughts and images running through her mind on what she thinks women should be, which is shaped by the media.

In the flashes that we see, women are seen as objects that are imperfect. They all are obsessed with dieting, mutilating their bodies, and are never seen eating. This commercial is making a comment on what it means to be a woman. Women are defined by what is wrong with them. This commercial points out that these pre-conceived notions of what women are supposed to be are influencing today’s young girls. They are bombarded with images and ideas of what women are and what they should be. This affects how women today see themselves.

I like this commercial and feel that it empowers women and makes them aware that media has a huge impact on their self image and what they think of themselves as women. The commercial stresses that women are beautiful just the way they are, they don’t needs diets, face creams, and plastic surgery. The little girl looks beautiful in the sun during the close up shot, and someday, with all of the media showcasing what women “should be” she might feel ugly.

I am guessing that a woman made this commercial, keeping in mind society’s view of women and the danger the media can have on womens' lives. There are also no men in the video, which I thought was interesting. Usually a man's perception of what is beautiful affects a woman.

As a woman myself, I enjoy this commercial and feel good knowing that people can see beyond the media. Women should be able to be who they are and not feel like they have to look a certain way to be beautiful.

This video can also be seen viewed with a class/power critical lens. Most of the women in th video are using money to change their bodies--buying face cream, paying for plastic surgery. Also, the women dancing in the music video are very dressed up and look expensive. All of the women in the clip are dressed well and look to be of a high socio-economic class. Young girls may associate money and power with beauty.

The music in the video lyrics, "here it comes, here it comes" suggests that the naturally beautiful little girl will be shaped by today's media of what she ought to look like one day--if she hasn't already been.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Lots of cool insights here, Lindsey, and an awesome commercial to analyze! I think it is super cool that Dove has a new campaign that encourages women to love the bodies they have, not feel like they are imperfect.
    It's almost overwhelming to watch all of the images flash in the girl's mind. It's amazing to think about how all of us--men and women, young and old- are SO SO SO influenced by what the media and American culture tells us we "should be." We can't help but be influenced by society considering the rehetoric of the countless ads and images we see daily.
