Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This is my VideoAnt project. I decided to do it on a scene of Big Fish. Great movie, but this is one of the sad parts :( Still one of my favorite scenes. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Vlog!

I love snow. Call me crazy, but I really do love snow! Ever since I was little I have been a cross country skier. I was the captain of my high school team and have skied many races. One that I hope to ski is the Birkebeiner. The "Birkie" takes place in Hayward and Cable WI. The whole Birkie is 58 Kilometers!! It takes some people all day to ski that far, while other top skiers finish it in about 3 hours. I have never skied the Birkie, but I have done the "Kortie" which is partly on the same trail, but is only 23k. My dad is about to ski his 20th real, long Birkie. I really want to try and ski my first real Birkie with him on his 20th....we'll see!! It is a life goal, to get 20 Birkies in before I croak.

Anyway, now that I have talked about why I love snow, I will share with you the vlog I ended up checking out. I just watched the Headsoff Vlog. I watched the entry about snow in Portland. Okay, not only did the snow in the video make me wish it was winter, it also made me think about how snow can affect a city. So Portland does not prepare for snow. I learned they don't even have plows!! What?! When it snows in Portland, the girl basically said the city shuts down. They had been out of school and work for a week! It had only snowed about 6 inches. This definitely brought me back to long car and bus rides up to Giants Ridge in snowstorms. My coaches and teammates were crazy. When it started to snow, we got in our cars and found somewhere to go skiiing. We braved the snow. I just think it is funny that I am so comfortable with snow. I don;t see it as a nuisance at all. Snow fall actually puts me in a great mood!!
As far as the logistics of the vlog, I think the audience was intended for people who haven't really ever experienced snow. Although the vlog was fun for me, it didn't surprise me at all. Someone who didn't know how much snow could hold and coup up, might really get a kick out of it. When the girl talked about people cross-country skiing on the roads it immediately brought me back to my childhood when my dad would bundle me up, and we would ski around before the plows came around. The blog really spoke to me. Some video techniques that I noticed included showing snow on trees and the viewer could hear the crisp wind. The video made me a little chilly just thinking about it.

I really liked this blog and felt I could relate to what she was experiencing in some ways. I feel like I could have made a similar vlog in my past. The girl mentions that she feels like the snow is following her. She moved west to get away from the snow. Tell her to move to MN, right?!

BRING ON THE SNOW!! (Nov. isn't too far away, which is ussually the first snowfall)

Check it out here !

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hello! My name is Lindsey and I am a member of the English Cohort at the University of Minnesota. I am very excited to begin my teaching journey and I am also looking forward to this class. I hope to learn more about how to use technology in my classroom. I have a feeling this year is going to fly by, so I hope this blog will help me remember all I have learned and experienced :)